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Want to chat with Nancy Giangaruso?

Nancy Giangaruso

Business Coach - Building and Design Industry

Over the past 30 years, Nancy has built a stellar career as a leader and entrepreneur in the building and interior design industry. She has been through several down cycles in the building industry, the economic crash of 2008 and now the Covid-19 pandemic. Her many years of business experience, has taught her to look ahead, to forecast and develop a plan for the businesses and the companies she has worked for and to always be ready to adjust as needed. She calls it staying ahead of the curve. In 2017, she transitioned her career to help others in the building and design industry.

In her marketing research, she found that many designers spend 80% of their time running their business and only 20% of their time doing what they love “designing.” She set out to change that percentage and help others do more of what they love to do.

It takes a willingness to invest in yourself and your business. Nancy believes that together is better and understands building a brand and defining a business. She recently said, “I’m here to facilitate conversation among designers and industry professionals. My mentoring focuses on industry pros, but my passion is bridging the gap between just having ideas and taking action.“

Nancy speaks across the country, enjoys chatting on podcasts and loves guest writing on blogs. She creates new industry strategies with our partners, teaches, hosts designer business retreats, and solves business problems for our community of designers so they can focus on doing what they do best – design.

Want to chat with Nancy Giangaruso?